Freedom in Christ: a testimony

FreedomMontag 15 Mai 2023 11:00

Seminars, retreats, and leadership training on spiritual formation are at the core of Aqueduct's healing ministry in Spain, where some of our ECM workers are involved. Read the beautiful testimony of a life restored here.

"God is always good, but when your life is a mess and He heals you, only then you can experience His goodness in a unique and distinct way.

Aqueduct ministry came into my life unexpectedly but longingly during this year without knowing I needed it. I had been hiding for months from my church, friends, and family how lost, lonely, and confused I felt about the stage of life I was in. I suffered from insomnia, physical aches and pains, irrational fears, and deep sadness. I didn't consider myself an emotionally unstable girl, but looking back, I can say I didn't even know who I was at that time. I was experiencing a crisis of faith and although I saw its terrible symptoms, I couldn't rationalize what had brought me there or, even worse, what I could do about it. It was then that the Lord came to meet me.

A friend, without knowing anything about what I was going through, sent me information about a seminar that Aqueduct was conducting on finding your identity in Christ. Without knowing anything about the ministry, I decided to go. Those two weekends began to tear away many of the lies I had been believing. God began to bring illusion and glimmers of hope to my soul, but I felt in my spirit that there was still more. That's when I was told that in a few days, they would have an intensive retreat called Spiritual Transformation. I called my boss and told him I needed to change my vacation week period and I signed up in faith.

What the Holy Spirit did in that week is hard to explain. What I learned, what I surrendered, and what I discovered is priceless. I thank God for everyone on the Aqueduct team who helped me and took care of me. God has kept His word: cry out to me and I will answer you and teach you great and hidden things that you do not know. Because of the freedom I have found in Christ, God has healed areas of my heart, past memories, mismanaged emotions, and family relationships. I now go to bed and wake up desiring to live each day in the presence of my Dad knowing that he is in control.

Aqueduct is a Christ-centred ministry dedicated to promoting the spiritual and emotional growth of believers. ECM workers Álvaro Liñán & Raquel Sabino as well as Julia Mercer-Wilson are part of this beautiful ministry. 

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