God is good at all times

"We could feel people were praying for us, because most of us felt peace inside of situation. All of us are doing ok, nobody is in panic but the uncertainty is back. Thank you for your prayers and care. God is good at all times."
This latest news item is to let you know about the situation in Ukraine and the ECM team there after the 10th of October attacks. The text below comes directly from them, let us stand with them in prayer and rejoice in seeinh how God is with them even in the darkest moments.
"In the morning, Russia sent three sets of missiles, about 50 each. Fifteen of them stroke the Lviv region. By now, we have information about fourteen people killed and 94 injured across the country. Today's attack aimed to bring additional stress and chaos to our nation and country, to destroy infrastructure in many cities massively.
The whole ECM Ukraine team is safe. None is affected or injured. At the same time, it was one of those days spent without electricity, running water, and cell phone connection. Those hours without light and water, being unable to reach our loved ones, made us think of those in the eastern and southern parts of the country who suffer this tragedy every day.
Our facility continues to serve as a bomb shelter for people in the neighborhood. Today our place has become home for many of them for 5 hours.
Lviv is without lights tonight. It is beautiful, nevertheless.
Even if they destroy our cities and ruin our infrastructure, they will not destroy our spirit and God-given longing for freedom.
We greatly appreciate all of your faithful prayers, care, and support!
If you have an opportunity to donate and support us, here is the information from the ECMI Crisis Management team:
1. DONATE to help our team and the ministries in Ukraine as they face new financial challenges caused by the war: Give Online
2. SHARE this with your network, friends, and supporters, as you see fit. Working together, God can use us to serve the needs in Ukraine far more than we can imagine.
3. For more information, Project: Ukraine Crisis Fund