READ our stories about what is going on across Europe,
PRAY for the projects and the workers involved!

110 campers heard the gospel this month!

News Stories (2).pngjulio - 23 - 2024 12:01 It was Friday afternoon, and M. was sitting in his teepee with his monitor and kept asking him questions about Jesus. That week he had experienced unconditional love for the first time, and he was ready to receive it. Seguir leyendo

Romanian ECMers make the New Testament accessible in their own native language

Bible new hope.jpgjulio - 23 - 2024 10:17 The team has already succeeded in translating, publishing and printing Matthew, Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, James, 1,2,3 John and Revelation and more. Seguir leyendo

Planting Refuge and Hope

News Stories (2).pngjulio - 17 - 2024 12:42 Just as the miracle of a seed transforming underneath the soil, the Greenhouse Community project in Schwerin-Lankow, Germany is transforming from the inside out. Seguir leyendo

The Blessings of Summer Camp

News Stories (1).pngjulio - 05 - 2024 12:34 Since 2004, Camp Timok has been blessing children and their families and has seen many come to follow Jesus. Some have now entered full time ministry as elders, pastors or missionaries. The camp began with a dream and simple tents, but has since been able to build a dormitory, meeting hall, kitchen and dining room to serve 70 people at once. Seguir leyendo

Talking about Jesus (without being THAT guy)

Partner with a Project (1).pngjunio - 20 - 2024 14:03 Discover our new project to help Spanish students talk about Jesus (without putting their foot in it!). This project aims to cover the translation, publication and distribution of a new book written for the church on how to talk about Jesus in a natural and engaging way. Keep reading to find out more! Seguir leyendo

Jesus in a Jazz Club

Copy of Where We Work pictures small (1).pngjunio - 03 - 2024 20:12 Well, the album is out on Spotify and the launch concert was a wonderful success. Thank you so much for your investment into this project. I am so encouraged that as missionaries in Berlin, God is giving us opportunities to go into the world's spaces to bring the gospel, to be his representatives. Seguir leyendo

Living out multiplication today!

Jesus.jpgmayo - 21 - 2024 10:13 Tom and Grace Campbell from Amazing Grace Community Church in Ireland remind us of one of the God's earliest command to His people -- Multiply! Seguir leyendo

A place of rest... and salvation

News Stories (1).pngmayo - 16 - 2024 10:32 Six years ago, the Aldanas and the Webbs arrived in the Basque Country, Spain with the hope of planting a church, when the mayor made a quick remark about the possibility of a small guest house for Camino pilgrims. Fast forward to 2024, and you find a small church plant and a fully furnished guest house with space for 12, having welcomed its first pilgrims. Seguir leyendo

ECM's ministry continues to grow

Statistics.jpgabril - 16 - 2024 09:22 Your faithful prayers and gifts have made this possible. Thank you! Seguir leyendo

Ukraine: training and caring for volunteers

20240412_192205_0000.pngabril - 12 - 2024 19:16 Volunteers, all faithful servants, combined rest and enjoyed nature, morning worship and participation in the workshops "The Art of Communication", taught by Stanislav. Seguir leyendo

Can a church multiply quickly in the UK?

Pete Benest.jpgabril - 09 - 2024 10:30 Pete Benest shares an exciting journey that has resulted in interactions with more than 250 people in Shepshed. Seguir leyendo

Multiplying young leaders in Slovenia

Sarah Deacon.jpgabril - 02 - 2024 09:32 Read how Sarah Deacon is helping teenagers to transition from being in the youth group to becoming young leaders. Seguir leyendo

On this solemn day...

Good Friday.jpgmarzo - 29 - 2024 10:20 On this solemn day of Good Friday, we pause to remember the ultimate sacrifice made by our Lord Jesus Christ. His willingness to endure the cross demonstrates the depth of His love for each and every one of us. Seguir leyendo

Come help us reach Muslims in Berlin!

Muslim (Germany).jpgmarzo - 05 - 2024 14:48 If God has put Muslim-based ministry on your heart, then you could have plenty of opportunities on our doorstep in Berlin. Seguir leyendo

Portuguese university students being transformed by the gospel

students.jpgfebrero - 28 - 2024 10:00 ECM missionaries Samuel and Emily Loa-Ferreira are working with the University Bible Group (GBU) in Coimbra, Portugal. Across the academic year 40,000 students study in Coimbra (this is 1/4 of the city’s population!) Seguir leyendo

Why Europe?

Why Europe 3.jpgfebrero - 20 - 2024 10:43 A different view on the needs in Europe. Seguir leyendo

Multipliable Mission Teams

News Stories (3).pngfebrero - 06 - 2024 14:58 It’s almost impossible for either Samantha or myself to tell our testimonies, let alone how we felt called into full time missions, without mentioning the impact of short-term missions. Seguir leyendo

Connecting short-term to long-term

sonja-langford-eIkbSc3SDtI-unsplash.jpgenero - 23 - 2024 11:00 Gary Stoll explains how a short-term trip to Romania changed his life. Seguir leyendo