Camino Guesthouse in Spain

Encartaciones, Bilbao, Spain
Comunidades MisionalesEvangelismoPlantación de Iglesias, Obra Pionera

Camino Guesthouse Project

Casa Camino Antiguo (“Ancient Way House”) is a Christian guesthouse for people walking the Camino de Santiago, a renowned pilgrimage in Spain. It is in the Basque town of Zalla, north Spain. We opened the guesthouse in April 2024 and have been welcoming pilgrims walking along the Camino Olvidado. There has been no established evangelical church in this area of 35,000 people until five years ago when we planted the Camino Antiguo Church which also meets in the same building as the pilgrim guesthouse. It is a small church plant seeking to love and serve Christ in our community.

Through the Casa Camino Antiguo we aim to show the love of Jesus through hospitality to pilgrims walking the Camino, offer community activities for local people and continue to strengthen the local church. 

Many people who are walking the Camino de Santiago, though not necessarily religious, are often spiritual seekers or those willing to explore the meaning of life. We want to take the opportunity to show them that Jesus is the true Way (Camino), the truth and the life, as He says in John 14:6. 

The ministry involves local people, the church, short-term mission teams and volunteers who offer their time and energy to serve at the Guesthouse. It is not for profit and aims to be financially self-sustaining once the property is purchased.

We would love you to be part of this ministry in Basque Country and to continue to build God’s kingdom in the Basque Country and strengthen the local church. 

The total project cost is €280,000, and we are aiming to be able to buy the guesthouse property by the end of 2025.

If you would like to donate towards this project, please click on the  "Donate" button.  


