Georg & Sandra Haemmerle
We’d love to see Austrians trusting in the work of Jesus rather in their own good works.

Georg & Sandra and their 3 kids are Austrians serving in Austria.
The fact that God offers life in all its fullness keeps blowing their minds and their desire is for many more people to meet Jesus and experience first-hand what he offers.
They love to spread God’s word through song together and Georg also enjoys preaching it and sharing it with the next generation.
Their church family is the CGD ( in Dornbirn where they serve together with the Pohn family (also part of ECM). Georg is employed there for the next generation and also works across churches with young people.
With the advantages of knowing culture and language, Georg and Sandra see this region as their long-term destiny, so that people may hear the good news of the one who came to seek and save what is lost.