Gary & Ioana Stoll

‘You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?’

Gary and Ioana Stoll joined ECM in May 2014 and have been working with the Christian Baptist Church in Piatra Neamt, Romania.

Our work is primarily with children and young people both in Piatra Neamt and in surrounding villages.

We feel very privileged to be able to share the gospel weekly and to be in the business of making disciples.  But primarily, this work is helping us grow to know and love Christ more.

We believe that the local church is the salt amongst the perishing world, as it shows and shares Christ in an unbelieving world.  We also believe in the power of prayer and therefore would appreciate your prayers for Piatra Neamt and Romania. 

Two of the big challenges facing the Christian church in Romania are that firstly, it is opposed from the outside as it is seen as a sect.  Secondly, many people from within the church are moving abroad to find work due to lack of jobs and adequate salaries in this area of the country.  This in turn, leaves greater need for workers in a harvest that is plentiful.

Please pray for the church in Romania that it truly will be pure salt, and not the kind of salt that gets mixed with other (worldly) material and loses its effect.

If you are interested to find out more about our work, please get in touch by clicking the "follow" button and fill in the form. We are always looking for workers who are passionate and gifted for children and youth ministry.

Cross Cultural Workers in Romania
Country of origin
Britain (Gary) / Romania (Ioana)

With ECM since 2014
  • Youth Youth
  • Piatra Neamt Piatra Neamt
  • Christian Baptist Church, Piatra Neamt Christian Baptist Church, Piatra Neamt
  • Children's work Children's work
  • Children's work Children's work
  • Children's work Children's work
  • Bible Training Bible Training